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I had another baby!

my new baby boy smiling

The biggest news in my world recently is that our second child arrived at the end of July! He’s called Rudi and he’s excellent. It’s been a pretty intense few months getting to grips with having a newborn and a toddler (toddler energy never stops!!), but I think things are settling down a bit now. The birth was quick and smooth, and the more I get to know Rudi the more I can’t imagine life without him - he’s such a sweet lil lad!

My first child’s nickname was Little Pea since he was the size of a little pea, and it still is - feels weird when people call him anything else! Rudi’s nickname is Papeye, cos Lil P started calling him that when he was in the womb. It’s like Popeye but said slightly differently. Whenever people ask him what his brother’s called he says “I call him Papeye the sailor man!” So we all call him Papeye now too :P

It’s great having the two of them and Pea loves his little brother. He wants to play with him all the time, but he loves him so much he wants to crush him into a diamond, so we have to be on constant alert for overzealous cuddling etc. He can’t interact with Rudi without gritting his teeth in an “oh my god i love you so much i wanna squish you” kind of way. We’re hoping that will calm down eventually…

But hey, life is good! We’re starting to plan performing at some festivals next summer and taking the kids with us. More soon!

21st November 2022

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