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A big-hearted puppet mini-musical!

Hi friends!

How are you doing? There’s a lot going on in the world huh. I hope you’re safe and well.

I’ve been taking some time to reflect on recent events and to start reading, watching and listening to more perspectives on racism and institutional inequality. I wrote some initial thoughts a couple of weeks ago: Black Lives Matter

Otherwise things are pretty ok with me! I’ve just finished music work on the first season of Cartoon Network’s The Fungies, which will be out sooooon on HBOmax, and my baby boy is goshdang beautiful.

Oh btw I now have comments enabled on my site, so please say hi if you enjoy anything, or have any thoughts to add - I wanna have a conversation with you!

#Things I Made!

###⭐️ A big-hearted puppet mini-musical! I made a joyful song and puppet video to celebrate and promote the work of an excellent organisation called The Life You Can Save! They recommend well researched, evaluated charities that do highly-effective work saving and improving lives across the world. I made a pledge about 6 years ago to donate at least 10% of my income each year to charity. I mostly give to a selection of the charities recommended by The Life You Can Save - I encourage you to investigate their work! Some very talented and wonderful people helped bring this video to life - credits here!

###🎵 Don’t Flush My Head A song about bullying and toilet-based vengeance I made during a 2 hour Twitch livestream!

###🖋 Boring Stories A couple of recordings of incredibly boring stories I tell my baby to help him get sleepy. Please add some suggestions for boring story titles in the comments, I need your help!

###🎵 Black Tangerines A funky lil jam I made using one of my friend Dan’s drum recordings! I think recorder funk might be my new favourite genre.

#Things I Like!

###▶️ DOMi & JD Beck - BC Invaders Stick with the floaty jazz opening and you’ll be treated to some rapid fire live drumming and keyboarding that will BLOW YOUR MIND! 🤯

###👂 Phonin’ With Honan Podcast - featuring me! I was a guest on my good friend Nuala’s podcast. We talked about mental health and the immortality of my child!

###🎵 21st Century Molam Traditional Thai music with a beefy 70s disco & funk makeover! Had me stamping and clapping in the shower!

🎬 The 13th

This documentary (also on Netflix) about the mass criminalisation of African Americans and the horrifying American prison industry is not a fun watch, but it helped me greater understand the longstanding social and institutional discrimination endured by Black people in America.

##That’s it for now!

Is anything you’d like to share? Let me know via email or by leaving a comment at the bottom heerrrree!


17th June 2020

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Simon Panrucker playing a blue recorder