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I'm a desperate jingle writer (in this animation!)

Oh hi there chummos!

I recently worked on an animated pilot called Pancake Panic with a big YouTube channel called Mashed. It’s about a struggling jingle writer called Frankie who ends up in weird situations writing jingles for bizarre things - this time to help the Pancake Guild promote pancakes!

Pancake Panic (Frankie Writes Jingles)

I wrote the music and performed the voice of Frankie and Chocolate Sauce. My partner Katie voiced Egg and Maple Syrup!

Other news

A film student called Filipa Silva made a video to my song Dinosaurs by editing found footage from old films with some original footage she shot.

Dinosaurs - Filipa Silva

The final result is awesome, just like dinosaurs!


Some things I’ve enjoyed recently I think you might enjoy too!

That’s it for now, I hope you’re doing ok. The sunshine is coming, just keep going.


18th February 2021

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